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Most applications will require a personal statement. Your personal statement should consider and address the following topics.
- Why have you selected this health profession?
- What motivates you to learn more about this health profession?
- What do you want schools to know about you that has not been disclosed in other areas of your application?
- What hardships, challenges, or obstacles have influenced your educational pursuits?
- Did you have to work to pay for your education? How has that made you a stronger applicant?
- Provide context for any significant fluctuations in your academic record that are not explained elsewhere.
- Describe any special talents that could be transferable to this health profession.
- Express your commitment to helping others and mention any efforts made that enforce that commitment.
- Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals.
The TLC Writing Center can offer assistance and critiques on your personal statement.