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This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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7 9 1 3 5 *
You must enter all six numbers and symbols shown above.
If this code does not work, please contact Campus Safety at 253-692-4416.
Buildings with All-Gender Restrooms
- Cherry Parkes (CP)
- Ground floor: 2 All-Gender Restrooms (CP 003, 004)*
- Garretson Woodruff & Pratt (GWP)
- 2nd floor: 2 All-Gender Restrooms (GWP 238, 240)
- 3rd floor: 5 All-Gender Restrooms (GWP 328-337)
- 4th floor: 2 All-Gender Restrooms (GWP 432, 433)
- Joy Building (JOY)
- Ground floor: 2 All-Gender Restrooms (JOY 003, 004)*
- Keystone (KEY)
- 2nd floor: 2 All-Gender Restrooms (KEY 220, 222)
- McDonald Smith (MDS)
- 1st floor: 2 All-Gender Restrooms (MDS 110C, 114A)
- Mattress Factory (MAT)
- 1st floor: 1 All-Gender Restroom (MAT 105)
- 2nd floor: 1 All-Gender Restroom (MAT 205)
- Pinkerton (PNK)
- 2nd floor: 2 All-Gender Restrooms (PNK 204, 206)
- 3rd floor: 2 All-Gender Restrooms (PNK 304, 306)
- Tacoma Paper & Stationery (TPS)
- Ground floor: 1 All-Gender Restroom (TPS 006)**
- Tioga Library Building (TLB)
- 1st floor: 1 All-Gender Restroom (TLB 107)*
- University YMCA Student Center (UWY)
- 1st floor: 1 All-Gender Restroom
*These restrooms require a code for access (see above).
**These restrooms require a keycard to enter. Please contact Campus Safety for access.