Main Content
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Day Of Caring
Event: Day of Caring
When: Spring Quarter 2022
Description: An annual all-day event where students volunteer at a local nonprofit organization in downtown Tacoma. Locations vary each year, but example sites include St. Leo's Food Connection and the Giving Garden.
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UWT Gives
Event: UWT Gives
When: November-December
Description: An annual event where students who have children and financial needs are matched with donors who are willing to purchase their gifts for the holiday season. Applications are completed by students and gift donors in November, gift purchases are then made by the gift donors and returned to the CSL by early December, who then pass on the gifts to the students.
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Wrapping Party
Event: UWT Gives Wrapping Party
When: December
Description: An annual event where space and free supplies are provided to students to wrap holiday gifts.
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