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UW Tacoma MSW Program Reinstatement Policy
Students previously registered as a graduate student at the University of Washington (UW) who have failed to maintain graduate student status (on-leave status was not secured or registration was not maintained) but wish to resume studies within the same degree program must file a request for reinstatement to the Graduate School. The Graduate School procedures and request for reinstatement can be found at
Reinstatement decisions are made at the discretion of the degree program and may be based on the applicant’s academic status when last enrolled, activities while away from campus, the length of the absence, the perceived potential for successful completion of the program, as well as any other factors or considerations regarded as relevant by the program.
Eligibility for Consideration (not necessarily approval) of Request for Reinstatement
Requests for reinstatement may be considered from students who have been inactive and have completed at least one quarter of graduate study in the UW Tacoma MSW Program. Requests for reinstatement must specify the academic quarter for which reinstatement is sought, and must be submitted no less than eight weeks before the start of said quarter.
Criteria for Approving Reinstatement
The student became inactive due to health, family or other extenuating circumstances, and/or the student became inactive due to administrative errors on the part of the University.
The student must submit a personal statement that demonstrates their readiness to resume study, thoroughly explains the circumstances leading to their inactivity in the program, and identifies strategies and supports the student will use to support their academic success moving forward.
Requests for extension of maximum time-frame shall explain the circumstances leading to the request and provide a clear plan and timeline for completion of the degree.
NOTE: The UW Graduate School requires that master’s degree students complete all degree requirements within six years from the original date of matriculation. This includes quarters spent on-leave or out of status as a graduate student.
Additional information and/or documents may be required (e.g. evidence of faculty support, coursework completed elsewhere, work history during the inactive period, relevant military documentation, etc.).
Process for Approving Reinstatement
Requests for reinstatement shall be submitted to the MSW Advisor who will document the request and notify the Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC).
The GPC will review the request and make an initial determination as to whether additional information and/or documents are required. In the event that they are, these requirements will be communicated to the student requesting reinstatement.
The GPC will forward the request to an ad hoc faculty committee consisting of the GPC, the student's faculty advisor, and the MSW Practicum Coordinator. The committee may consult with other members of the Social Work faculty and the MSW Advisor, if needed. In the event that the student’s faculty advisor is unavailable, the committee will consult with other faculty members familiar with the student's graduate work. A final decision regarding the student's request will be communicated in writing. Students approved for reinstatement will be provided with a revised program of study that may include additional coursework if curriculum changes have been made since the student last attended.
NOTE: Students who have been absent longer than one year, may be asked to complete additional requirements including, but not limited to, a background check and documentation of required immunizations.
Reinstated students who were academically deficient (failed class(es) and/or cumulative GPA below a 3.0) at the time of departure from the program, will be placed on academic probation with the UW Graduate School. If the student is unable to correct the academic deficiency(ies), further status changes to include final probation or drop may be recommended.
Approved by the UWT Social Work Faculty May 26, 2017