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There are three types of space requests that can be submitted in 25Live: Simple Meeting, Course Breakout, and Event. There are important differences and some require different levels of access.
Simple Meeting
Definition: internal use of campus conference rooms, classrooms, computer classrooms and/or breakout rooms, which occurs during building hours and does not require support from any campus department.
A simple meeting must meet ALL of these criteria:
- Occurs during regular building hours
- No food or beverages will be served
- Fewer than 10 people attending
- No support services are required (e.g. custodial cleaning, A/V setup or recordings, special furniture setup, extra security)
You may request to use classrooms, breakout rooms, and computer classrooms for your simple meetings; these spaces are subject to the quarterly scheduling timelines and will require approval from the space scheduler before use. Spaces that you may self-reserve instantly ( scheduler approval needed) include WCG 322, WCG 405, CP 303, JOY 201, MAT 104, MDS 312, PNK 212, SCI 104, TPS 110, UWY 103, UWY 105, and UWY 307.
Course Breakout
Definition: internal use of campus conference rooms, classrooms, computer classrooms, and/or breakout rooms, which occurs during building hours and does not require support from any campus department. Activity is tied to a University course.
Faculty and staff who have completed simple meeting training may schedule course breakout sessions through 25Live. The course breakout event type may be used to schedule meetings that are related to a class and are in addition to the weekly class session. Examples include office hours, study sessions, student presentations, computer classroom breakout sessions, etc.
The course breakout reservation in 25Live does not replace or change the day/time/location that is displayed on the University Time Schedule, MyPlan, or MyUW. Similarly, the course breakout reservation in 25Live does not replace or change the final exam day/time/location that is displayed on MyUW for your course.
To update the official meeting days/times/locations for your course, you must work with your academic program's time schedule administrator/scheduler. There is a separate process for official course changes that involve the Student Database.
Definition: internal use of an indoor or outdoor space at UW Tacoma that requires support from a campus department (serving food, setup of tables and chairs, A/V support, Campus Safety, and Security, etc.).
Departmental-approved faculty and/or staff and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may request to use breakout rooms, classrooms, computer rooms, indoor event spaces, indoor lobbies & atriums, and outdoor event spaces; these spaces are subject to the space scheduling timelines and will require approval from the space scheduler before use.
External (non-University) parties can work with Events & Conferences to reserve space on campus.