Main Content
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The Center thrives on partnerships with community members in the South Sound. If you are interested in supporting us, please consider some of the following options:
- Follow us on social media and help us spread the word about our events (see links at the bottom of the page)
- Share with us what resources CLSR could offer that would benefit you or your organization
- Volunteer on the Milgard Women's Initiative (MWI) Mentoring or Program Development Committee*
- Become a MWI mentor*
- Judge a student case competition on social responsibility
- Be a guest speaker (i.e. classes, inspirational speaker series, etc.)
- Financially support CLSR and MWI initiatives
* academic year commitment
We hope you will attend our events, and browse resources on our website (Lessons in Leadership, Inspired Speaker Series, and MWI resource library).
If you are interested in volunteering, or have ideas how the Center can support you or your organization, we would love to hear from you! You can reach us at
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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Give to Center for Leadership and Social Responsibility
Your gift to the CLSR provides opportunities for students to deeply understand the practice of leadership and social responsibility. Examples of initiatives include:
- Case competitions focused on Corporate Social Responsibility, where students can apply their business, leadership and social responsibility knowledge and receive feedback from community judges.
- Apprenticeships on non-profit Boards, providing students the opportunity to understand Board Governance and contribute to the community
- Conferences and workshops on leadership and social responsibility, providing community members opportunities to learn, network, and collaborate
- Curricular innovation, providing support for faculty to integrate leadership and social responsibility content and practices into their courses.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: gold-theme
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- Image Position: center center
Give to Milgard Women's Initative
Your gift to the Milgard Women’s Initiative helps us advance women as creative and innovative leaders throughout their organizations and communities. Examples of initiatives include:
- MWI Mentoring Program, providing 1:1 mentoring for graduate students in the Milgard School of Business
- Inspired Speaker Series, providing an opportunity for students, educators and professionals to learn from women who lead in the South Sound
- Young Women’s Leadership Academy, a developing program providing young women in the South Sound the opportunity to learn to lead
- Profiles in Leadership, developing impactful video and written profiles of outstanding women leaders