Main Content
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The MWI Speaker series offers quarterly sessions featuring women who lead in the South Sound. Sessions provide an opportunity for students, educators, and professionals to learn from women leaders across sectors, positionality, and focus areas.
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This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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The No Club Putting a Stop to Women's Dead-End Work
Presented by Professor & Co-author, Dr. Laurie Weingart.
Why Should We Hire You? Let's explore strategies on how to promote yourself.
Presented by Monique Dubose, Mindset Empowerment Coach
Salary Negotiations: An Honest Conversation on Why and How
Hosted by:
- Anne Kerker, HR Director Farallon Consulting
- Zoe Barsness, Associate Professor of Management, Milgard School of Business
Women Who Run: Leadership Lessons from Elected Officials (Panel discussion)
- Laurie Jinkins, Speaker of the Washington House of Representatives
- T’wina Nobles, Washington State Senator
- Julie Anderson, Pierce County Auditor
- Victoria Woodards, Mayor of Tacoma
- Moderator: Dona Ponepinto, CEO, United Way Pierce County
Built By Women: Innovative Entrepreneurs (Panel discussion)
- Deborah Tuggle, Bite Me!
- Meghan Toso, Toso Insurance Group
- Janine Terrano, Topia Technology
- Moderator: Evy Shankus, EvyDaywear and Milgard Faculty
New Norms, New Possibilities: Keys to Experiencing a Life of More Ease and Work/Life Balance
Presented by national best selling author, life coach, and Milgard Women's Initiative mentor, Debrena Jackson Gandy.